Thanksgiving Mad Libs Printables

Are you ready to make some super silly Thanksgiving Mad Libs stories? I created two fun printables that your kids are going to love this November!
When I taught elementary school, my second graders had so much fun filling in the blanks of Mad Libs stories. Now that my own kids are older, they have started joining in the fun too! You can grab your free copies of my Thanksgiving Mad Libs stories below!
Printable Stories
Both printable stories are completely free to download and use as many times as you like! My kids typically request multiple copies of each story, so they can fill them out in different ways. If you prefer not to make lots of copies, you could print the pages on card stock and laminate them. When I did this for classroom use, I let my students use dry erase markers to fill in the blanks. That way they could erase their answers for the next person.
The first Thanksgiving Mad Lib draws inspiration from the Disguise a Turkey activity I used to do with my kindergarteners. I made a fun tale about a turkey going on an adventure to escape a chef. Whether you use the ad lib story at home or in the classroom, your kids will crack up at this turkey’s antics.
The second story is about a family enjoying a Thanksgiving feast. This printable can also turn into a silly tale, but I especially like that it offers a great review of parts of speech. After all, who says you can’t learn and have fun at the same time!?
You can grab your free copies of the printables here:
Happy Thanksgiving!
~ Using My Images and Files ~
You are welcome to print and use my designs as many times as you like for personal use only. You are not permitted to sell any of my files or products. Additionally, you may not share a link to any files on social media or on another website. If you would like to share one of my images or printables, you must link back to my web page where you found it.