Black History Month Word Search Printables

We celebrate black history during the month of February, and this is a great time to introduce students to relevant terms and figures. When I was a classroom teacher, I loved using word search puzzles to review important words. So, I created three separate Black History Month word searches that can be used with kids of various ages.
Each word search is free to download as a PDF file and print as many times as you like. The printables are easy to access by clicking on the image of the word search or on the caption below it. The downloads also include answer keys for teachers.
Printable Black History Word Search
My easy Black History Month word search features ten words that are hidden horizontally and vertically. Most of the words are short, so the puzzle isn’t too difficult for younger students. I recommend using this word search with first and second grade students. (Advanced kindergarteners would also be able to complete the puzzle.)
My intermediate word search includes twelve terms associated with Black History Month. These words are hidden diagonally, vertically, and horizontally, making it more difficult for students to find them. I recommend using this word search with kids in grades 3-5.
The advanced word search puzzle features twelve terms that are ideal for older students. These words are hidden vertically, horizontally, and diagonally; so they can be more difficult to find. This puzzle also includes additional rows and columns to make the word search more advanced.
I hope your students enjoy searching for the Black History Month terms in the word searches above. They create a great segue into a lesson on black history or a helpful review of a previous lesson. You may also want to incorporate my Martin Luther King Jr. word search puzzle into your Black History Month lessons.
And if you’re looking for more activities to enjoy during the month of February, check out my Printable Valentine’s Day Word Search Puzzles. They’re completely free to download, and they include answer keys!
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