Free Printable Alphabet Letters

uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet on white sheets of paper placed on wooden plank background

When I taught preschool, I typically introduced a letter per week to my students. Since my primary goal was for the kids to identify the letters of the alphabet, I tried to incorporate lots of visuals and manipulatives for our weekly letter.

One of my favorite ways to do this was by using large bubble letters that students could color, paint, stamp, design, etc. Rather than drawing a giant bubble letter for each kid in the class, I decided to create printable alphabet letters to save time.

I now use these printable block letters when homeschooling my kindergartener. We like to print the large capital and lowercase letters to design with art supplies. I also turned the printable alphabet letters into flashcards by printing several per page.

Below, you can print each letter of the alphabet or simply download the entire bundle of alphabet letters. Whether you’re using the templates at home or in the classroom, they are a great way to introduce letters to young children!

Printable Letters

I created several versions of the large alphabet letters that you can easily print from home or school. If you are planning to turn the letters into flashcards, you can change your printer settings to print multiple cards on one page.

This is also a great way to create letter tiles! If you plan to reuse the alphabet letters, I recommend printing them on card stock and laminating them or placing them in plastic sheet protectors.

You can access the full capital letter bundle here and the full lowercase bundle here, or you can use the buttons below to choose individual letters.

Additionally, you can download the free uppercase and lowercase letter cards here. Note that I like to print these four to a page when using as flashcards with preschoolers.

Letter Activities

There are endless ways to incorporate these printable letters into learning activities at home and school. Here are just a few ideas for ways I use the alphabet templates with my kids.

  1. Letter Recognition Games: Scatter the printed letters around the room and have children search for specific letters. You can also play “letter bingo” or “letter memory” games to reinforce letter recognition skills.
  2. Alphabet Art Projects: Get creative with arts and crafts by using the printable letters as templates for painting, coloring, or making a collage. Children can decorate each letter with stickers, glitter, or other craft supplies.
  3. Letter Sounds Practice: Pair each letter with objects or pictures that start with the corresponding sound. For example, “A” for apple, “B” for ball, and so on. This hands-on approach helps children make connections between letters and their sounds.
  4. Alphabet Scavenger Hunt: Take the learning outdoors by organizing an alphabet scavenger hunt. Encourage children to find objects in their environment that begin with each letter of the alphabet.


The printable alphabet letters I created offer a refreshing and hands-on approach to early literacy. Whether you’re a teacher using the templates with your students or a parent incorporating the letters into homeschool activities, these resources are sure to excitement on the journey to mastering the alphabet!

You may also love the printable shapes flashcards I created for preschoolers and kindergarteners!

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You are welcome to print and use my designs as many times as you like for personal use only. You are not permitted to sell any of my files or products. Additionally, you may not share a link to any files on social media or on another website. If you would like to share one of my images or printables, you must link back to my web page where you found it.

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